Dozenten: Prof. Dr. T. Leisner, Prof. Dr. P. Braesicke, Prof. Dr. A. Fink, PD Dr. M. Höpfner, Prof. Dr. C. Hoose, Prof. Dr. P. Knippertz, PD Dr. M. Kunz, Prof. Dr. J. Pinto
The Atmospheric Boundary Layer over the Southern Ocean
Dienstag, 05. November 2013, 16:30-17:30
KIT, Campus Süd
Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung
Bereich Troposphäre
Wolfgang-Gaede-Str.1, Geb.30.23, Physikhochhaus
13.Stock, Seminarraum 13.02
Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung
Bereich Troposphäre
Wolfgang-Gaede-Str.1, Geb.30.23, Physikhochhaus
13.Stock, Seminarraum 13.02
The Southern Ocean is a unique environment, with some of the cleanest air, strongest wind speeds and largest wave heights observed on Earth. This unique environment leads to unique properties of the marine boundary layer, and cloud microphysics, which are poorly understood. Here, a long term data set of radiosonde observations from Macquarie Island (54.62 S, 158.85 E ) is analysed to understand the thermodynamic structure of the marine boundary layer. Frequent decoupling, as manifest as multiple layers in the lowest few kilometers, is found. These features are not well reproduced in a reanalysis product, or a recent satellite data product. The Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model is used to perform a case study where decoupling was observed during the first Aerosol Characterisation Experiment (ACE-1) of 1995. A number of model configurations are evaluated against observations. This highlights some of the challenges in modelling the atmospheric boundary layer over the Sou
thern Ocean, as well as the associated clouds.
Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der Reihe Karlsruher Meteorologisches Kolloquium
Dr. Luke Hande
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung
Dr. Luke Hande
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung
Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe
E-Mail: sekr ∂does-not-exist.imk-tro kit edu
Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe
E-Mail: sekr ∂does-not-exist.imk-tro kit edu
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende
"CS" - KIT-Campus Süd (Universität), Gebäude 30.23 (Physikhochhaus), Seminarraum 13/2
"CN" - KIT-Campus Nord (Forschungszentrum), Gebäude 435 (IMK), Raum 2.05
(Besucher bitte Personalausweis mitbringen!)