Dozenten: Prof. Dr. T. Leisner, Prof. Dr. P. Braesicke, Prof. Dr. A. Fink, PD Dr. M. Höpfner, Prof. Dr. C. Hoose, Prof. Dr. P. Knippertz, PD Dr. M. Kunz, Prof. Dr. J. Pinto
Towards accounting for mountain snow processes in coarse-scale models
Whenever there is snow on the ground, there will be large spatial variations in snow depth. The snow cover is significantly influenced by topography due to wind, precipitation, radiation, and even snow avalanches relocate the accumulated snow. Furthermore, in the presence of trees, snow interception by forest canopy can lead to significant snow depth differences between forested and non-forested areas. Representing these complex variations in snow depth is crucial for a wide range of practical applications, such as in snow hydrology, avalanche forecasting and glacier mass balance modeling but also for weather and climate model applications. For fine-scale model applications in mountainous terrain, which requires high-resolution model input, we have to downscale coarse-scale model input to the local topography. For coarser models, which cannot sufficiently resolve the local topography, parameterizing (upscaling) the fine-scale impact of topography on surface variables will lead to more realistic model representations of processes in mountainous terrain. In this talk, I will present our efforts towards accounting for mountain snow processes in coarse-scale models through presenting various parameterizations for surface variables which account for the impact of topography. The parameterizations use readily available topographic subgrid parameters in combination with coarse-scale model input.
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Dr. Nora Helbig
WSL-Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos, Swizerland
Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research
Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: 0721 608 43356
E-Mail: imk-tro ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
"CS" - KIT-Campus Süd (Universität), Gebäude 30.23 (Physikhochhaus), Seminarraum 13/2
"CN" - KIT-Campus Nord (Forschungszentrum), Gebäude 435 (IMK), Raum 2.05
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